Top 10k strings from ID-Demo 1 (1993)(Icabod)(128k).tap in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   1 {|}~ 1993                   
   1 e--------------(())))))))))))))))//////////////&&((((((((((((((((
   1 e--------------(())))))))))))))
   1 b$$c$b$$$c$b$$$c$b$$$c$b$$$c$b$$$c$b$$$c$b$$$c$b$
   1 [\]^ - {|}~    
   1 You will probably have noticed that every-so-often, a line flashes accross this scroll.    This is a kind of Vu-Meter.    When the volume of channel 1 reaches 15, a line is placed on the right of the screen.    This is the scrolled at 2x the speed of the rest of the scroller.    I may be bias, but I think it looks really cool.    
   1 You run a PD library, but do you write demos ?    Cheers!        
   1 Yippee!  Another Brit.        
   1 X-Terminator    
   1 What 2nd one?    
   1 Well, now the secret comes out.    As you may know, many coders change their pseudonyms (Hick - Mez, and Zaphod Beeblebrox - Vision are just 2 examples).    Well, as you will know, I am {|}~, but you won't know that I used to be called Cupre!    Ah yes, fame rears it's ugly head!    I have done 2 demos as Cupre, the first being DEBUT, but as I write this, my second demo is not yet complete.    Y'see, I decided to change my name when half of the 2nd demo was complete, and I couldn't be bothered to change the graphics!    This means that I have decided to be {|}~, but will occasionally do a demo as Cupre.    Still, even though this is complicated, I hope you understand.    This is my 3rd demo, but the second to be released (maybe).    
   1 Well, all that remains now is the credits, but first . . . . . . . .    
   1 Welcome to the first EVER, ID demo.    The ID, if you're interested, stands for {|}~ Demo.    
   1 Welcome to TXT3
   1 Vision    
   1 Um... No message ('cept that S3 was cool)        
   1 Tinbin Hacker    
   1 This secret part is quite good, although it is only a scroller, but more on that when you see it!    
   1 The text will follow on automatically, but pressing 1 - 4 is quicker.    
   1 The Sound Tracker is a good utility, and Eel definately showed it off!        
   1 The MQM trilogy had thier good points.!        
   1 The MQM Trilogy    
   1 Text Part 2    -    
   1 Talisman    
   1 TRIP - Cupre.        I hope that you now understand the turn of events.    If not, drop me a line.    Even if you do understand, write to me anyway.    I will be interested to hear from you, especially if you send me a demo (I'll send you one of mine).    Also, sen a list of the demos that you have got.    If I have one that you haven't which I think is good, I'll send you a copy (for one of your demos, of course).        
   1 Sorry, I forgot you.    Branch of Mind was impossible on a Speccy!!!        
   1 So, this is [\]^ : Start Of A New Era.    
   1 So there you have it.    This whole demo is 
   1 Scrunk    
   1 Same as Talismans message.    Ah, well.        
   1 SHOCKING!        
   1 Quinquagesima ?    What a bloody stupid name!        
   1 Pressing keys 1 - 4 will change the current text message.    There is also a secret part, but I will leave you to find it yourself.    
   1 One last thing......I have noticed that I can stop this scroll!!    When the colours are changed, the scroll is not scrolled (?).    This means that by changing the colour repeatedly, I can stop the scroll.    I can either stop it, like THIS
   1 OI!    Skinny!    Marry Me, You Gorgeous Thing You!        
   1 Now, this is going to do what I usually do, and greet people who I don't know, but whose demos I've got.    These greetings are going to be in alphabetical order (surnames).    I may actually send some of these people my demo, if I have their address, or maybe not!!        Anyway, here we go    ----
   1 Nice to see another Brit coder.        
   1 NMI . . . Need I say more?!?!        
   1 My response to the Shock music . . . . Like it!!!!!!!!!!        
   1 My old persona!    Your TRIP demo was best, but isn't out yet.        
   1 My actual demos so far (in order of appearence) are :-    
   1 Muad'dib    
   1 More of Beruska!        
   1 Mikropol    
   1 Michele Pfieffer    
   1 Matasoft    
   1 Martyn Sherwood    
   1 Marek Fiser    
   1 Lord Insanity    
   1 Linda Evangelista    
   1 Lastly (in this text), another request.    I want your musics!!!!!    As you will know from listening to this, the standard of music by me is low.    In fact, it's    CRAP
   1 Last, but not least, Ziutek    
   1 Kate Moss    
   1 Jackson Hollis    
   1 If you wish to read all of the scrolls in this part, you don't actually need to press keys 1 - 4.    
   1 If I have your address (I think it's in a demo), I'll be sending you a tape.    If not, I won't.        
   1 ID1.C     <x
   1 ID1       
   1 I'm not sure what you did in the Geography demo, but I'm sure it was good.        
   1 I'm impressed with the graphics in Noname 2.    Keep up the good pictures.        
   1 I liked the Scrunk demo, but it could have had more FX?        
   1 I liked SIL 5, and also Interlace, but I couldn't see the colours.        
   1 I have the Scoriasonic 2 Preview demo, and hope to get the actual program!        
   1 I am now running out of things to say.    I must keep some text-memory left for the other 4 scrolls (2 - 4, and the secret scroll.    Have you found it yet?    If not, why not.    Oh, you're reading this text.    Well, that's O.K. then.)    I have now run out of what to say, and so I will end this scroll.    
   1 Hypersonic    
   1 Hello and welcome to the second "chunk" of text.    I'm now going to comment on some of the demos that I have got.    I just want to point out that, if these messages offend in any way, then    
   1 Hello and welcome to TXT4
   1 Hello Mr. Muad'dib.    I'll probably send you this demo when it's finished!        
   1 Have you found the secret part yet ?    No ?    Well, you get into it simply by pressing        
   1 Good graphics in Vektor Grafix, but a bit short.        
   1 Give up modelling and live with me!!!        
   1 GREETINGS    
   1 Dusan Balara    
   1 Dump Richard Gere and Marry ME!!!        
   1 Drozol    
   1 Dom Morris    
   1 David Webb    
   1 DEMOS!        
   1 DEBUT - Cupre    
   1 Crazy demo was excellent, as was the Madness Remix.    More!        
   1 Claudia Schiffer    
   1 Cindy Crawford    
   1 But remember . . . .  You still have scrolls 2 - 4 to read, so I'll let you get on with it.    
   1 Busysoft    
   1 Before I start with the more interesting text, I'll tell you what's going on in this demo.    You'll may have noticed that pressing SPACE does nothing.    This gives the appearance of it being a 1-Part demo, but no.    
   1 At the time of writing, you've just adopted a baby.    If you wanted a baby, you only had to ask!!!        
   1 Are you sitting comfortably ?        Then we'll begin.            
   1 Agent-X    
   1 ;"  Please Wait . . . ";
   1 ;"  LOADING  ":
   1 ;"    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    "
   1 ;"    Welcome To The ID-1 Demo    "
   1 ;"    My Address Is In The Demo"'''
   1 1993 {|}~.    If you like it, let me know.    If not, let me know why.    Well, time to go to TXT1 . . . .  See Ya!          WRAP
   1 1993 &cabod of @    If you want to use any of the stuff in this demo (such as the font, etc), let me know before-hand.    I will give you permission if I know about it, and am given some credit in the program.            This demo, and it's contents, are for the Public Domain.    You may copy this and distribute it in any form (Disk, Tape, Listing) so long as you follow the following guidelines  :  Do not change any of the code.    You must not profit from this demo.  I don't, and I wrote the bloody thing.                    Well, that's all for this demo.    I would like to thank Sir Clive Sinclair, 'Your Sinclair' magazine, Melbourne House, BZYK, and Prism PD for making this demo possible, either by creating programs I used, or by just being special (Blech!)    I would like to also shove a RED HOT POKER up the ARSE of ALAN SUGAR, for being such a total WANKER, and stopping production of the Speccy, just so a completely CRAP computer (the CPC-thingy) could sell just that little bit better.        I'LL SEE 
   1 .    Currently, on all of my demos, the credits are "All By Me".    I want to add another name, so write to me with graphics or music or anything else.    My address is in the Secret Part (because the scroll is slower).    See You In The Next Scroll.        
   1 ''''"Release Date  : 26/11/93"''"Coding Began  : 13/11/93"
   1 !?!?!?!?        
   1  but that text was just under 5K long.    It's Sunday the 14th of November 1993 as I write this.    This demo will probably be completed before my second one.    
   1  Or I can make it flash, like THIS
   1   Well, you got here at last.    So, now you're here I should maybe explain this part.    This is called I-SPY, or Eye-Spy.    This is the reason for the eyes above the scroll.    You may not have noticed yet, but this is a very special scroller.    Watch.    First, a Row Of X's    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX    Now, a Row Of !'s    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    Notice the difference?      The answer is that this is possibly the first ever proportional text scroller.    I say the first ever, because I have never seen one before.    Looks cool, doesn't it?!?!        First off in this scroll, I'm going to bore you with my details . . . .        Name - Robert Cooper    Pseudonym - &cabod    Age - 17 (at the moment (Nov. '93) )    Computer Setup - Spectrum 128k +3 / Multiface 3 / Tape deck / I'll soon be getting a Modem (hopefully)    Address - 60 Glebelands,  Merriott,  Somerset,  TA16 5RE,  England    Demos done so far - Debut / ID-1 / TRIP (soon)    Other, slightly boring, stuff - My fave bands include Goodbye Mr
   1   O.K. so the effect is nothing special, but who gives a shit?    It's a crap demo anyway.    See ya in scroll 2                    
   1     [\]^    
   1     Yes, this (as if you didn't know) is the 3rd text scroll.    This isn't as long at TXT2
   1     Vector Grafix    
   1     To be honest, this demo is a load of shite!!!!!    It consists of 1 scroller, with 1 of 4 messages on it, a crappy secret part, and a completely shit sound track!    Basically, this demo is the biggest load of SHIT I've ever seen!    A man without a computer could have coded a better demo!    Steer clear of this pile of Sewage!    It's just an old mans balls, mascarading as a demo!    This isn't fit to be a VIC-20 demo . . .  What !?  You mean I wrote it.   This is it?!?!    Well, this is one of the best demos I've seen, with excellent special FX, and sound!!!!    Blah!  Blah!  Rhubarb!  Etc!!        
   1     This was an excellent demo.    This is for the simple reason of the humour.    None of the demos I have seen are this funny (but I've only seen about 50).    Good work!    
   1     This refers to Hypersonic 2, and Hypersonic 2 Preview.    I thought this was very good.    The effects were good, and the music was brilliant!    One thing puzzles me . . .  My versions of Preview and HS 2 were exactly the same (it seemed).    Also, I couldn't get it to save onto +3 disk.    I'm currently working on a loader to do so (for my own use).    
   1     This one I like.    It's a kind of slideshow of graphics, all of which are well drawn (my favourite is the small landscape pic).    Add to this a long scroll, scrolling colours, and a good soundtrack, and you've got an excellent demo.    I only got it the other day, and I've watched it about 3-4 times.    
   1     This is a very good demo for sound.    The music is mainly by Qjeta, and is of a very high quality.    The rest of the demo isn't as good.    The 256x384 resolution screen looks just like a flickering screen (it's done by swapping the hardware screen viewed on a 128k).    The unlimited Vu-Meters weren't that impressive, but the music in all parts made up for this.    I good demo if you like good music.    
   1     TerniMADor    
   1     TBM demos    
   1     Skrunk    
   1     See you in scroll 3!!!!                    
   1     Scoriasonic    
   1     Put it this way . . .  The idea was good.    MQM 2 was an improvement on MQM 1, but the only reason for this was the menu options, and the lack of gut-wrenching coloured Vu-Meters.    I'm sorry to say, but MQM 3 was a disappointment.    The effects were much better (the masked sprites over the MQM 3 background), but the actual music part was a bit crap.    It was just a screen with 6 tunes, none of which were much cop (except Jarre ?!).    It would have been better to have something else to catch peoples attention.        
   1     NMI Trilogy    
   1     I like the idea, but this is a short demo, and is pretty boring.    It consists of various vector graphics (surprise) flying towards you and rotating.    Some of the graphics are quite good, and the sound track isn't is OK, but this demo soon loses it's appeal.    
   1     I have only got 3 of these demos, with 2 of them being just 2 scrollers and some music.    TBM 9 though is good.    There is a single scroll (written with Vision's Uniscroll (which I want to get a copy of) ) and a good sound track.    Also, pressing keys 1-5 gives a sort of slideshow.    Unfortunately, this makes the music sound bad (the music is obviously interrupt driven, and the screens are unpacked with interrupts off).    Still, this aside, the TBM suite of demos are of an average quality.    
   1     I don't know who done this, as my copy is multifaced.    This demo is simply 5 digitised pictures of topless women, with a soundtrack.    The pictures are well digitised, and the soundtrack is superb.    There is no scroll, but this is worth getting if you like good music, or are a pervert, and want to stare at tits all day.    
   1     Girls    
   1     Crazy Demo    
   1     Brill!    The effects in each of these was (is) amazing.    NMI 1 could have used music, but my demos don't have much music either.    I thought that NMI 2 was had better FX than NMI 3.    The only reason NMI 3 was better was because it was a megademo.    X-Terminator's part flickered on my computer (+3), but taking into account the rest of the demo, this doesn't matter.    Lastly, I challenge ANYONE to do a better part than NMI 2 part 3!    
   1     A pretty good demo by The Lords.    Pressing keys 1 - 5 on the main menu gives you some sampled speech.    You then go into one of the 5 parts.    Unfortunately, they are all the same, but with different music.    Pressing SPACE shows you a car, with the ground animated in pseudo 3D.    It's a good demo, but it's a pity there aren't a few more FX.    
   1        Yep, this is the last scroller, and it's gonna be the most important one.    This is the    
   1         Well, that was bloody boring.    So far for this scroll-text, I have used up about 3K of memory (I think)!    And I'm running out of things to say at the moment.        Actually, I have just decided to do a game.    It won't be very good, and it will be done with 3D Construction Kit.    I don't know if it will be a Public Domain game or not.    If not, it will only be about `2 per copy.    Add to that about `0.75 for postage, and you've got a reasonably priced game.    Then again, I may not do a game at all.    Who knows!?        Actually, while on the subject of 3D Kit, I have got 2 copies.    The one I use is for +3 disk.    The other is a tape copy.    It works with all Speccies, and as far as I know is Sam compatible (although I haven't tried it).    I don't need 2 copies of 3D Kit, so I may give it away.    Or I may not.    This scroll is a load of crap, isn't it!?    I'm getting bored now, so I will finish off this text some other time.                Now that Your Sinclair has finished, I'm s